New Member Application Process
(Effective February 23, 2022)
An applicant must attend two consecutive regularly monthly member meetings and a range orientation briefing before being granted membership to Watauga Gun Club. At the applicant’s first meeting, they are expected to pay dues, fees and submit all required documents for consideration. Between the first and second meetings, the applicant is expected to attend a range orientation briefing. In addition, the applicant’s name will be published for members in good standing to view for consideration. At the applicant’s second monthly member meeting, which should be the month following the month of application, the applicant will be voted upon by members then present. If the applicant does not follow this preferred meeting and briefing sequence, membership privileges and access to the club facilities will be withheld until the requirements outlined above and below are met.
Specifically, follow the more detailed instructions below:
1. Fill out a New Member Application
2. Bring NRA membership card and a signed Waiver of Liability Release Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement .
3. Make arrangements to attend a regular club meeting (the first of two regular member meetings required). Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 7p.m. at the WGC Clubhouse; please reference the calendar on the home page of the club web site for any changes in meeting dates or times.
Bring all of the documents listed in Item 2 above to the initial meeting, including a check in the amount of $250.00 for first year dues ($200) plus the one time application/initiation fee ($50.00). The applicant will introduce themselves to members present.
4. The applicant’s name will then be published in the club newsletter so that members who were not present at the initial meeting may review and comment. Any concerns expressed by members as regards to the applicant will be reviewed by the WGC Executive Committee. If the Executive Committee determines that there is no evidence to deny membership, or if no member responds in opposition to the applicant(s), the applicant(s) will be required to attend a 2nd regular member meeting to be voted on by members then present.
In the unlikely event an applicant is denied membership, all funds will be returned to applicant.
5. Prior to attending their 2nd required member meeting, each applicant must attend a required range orientation briefing presented by the Range Officer. The time and date for this required briefing will be given to applicants by the Range Officer during the first member meeting attended (and posted on the club calendar). If the applicant has not attended the orientation briefing, or they have not produced all necessary documents to verify eligibility, they will be ineligible for a member vote at the second required member meeting. Upon satisfaction of all such requirements, the applicant may be voted on at a subsequent member meeting. 6. Upon being voted in as a club member, the new member will then receive a membership packet that includes a member’s wallet card, a Watauga Gun Club Membership Manual, a Range Use Manual and gate card.
The current official club by-laws regarding membership can be seen in the Members Manual. In addition, review the Range Use Manual.
Notice: If you are already a member of the Watauga Gun Club, please see the Annual Renewal Process.